The Beach

Beaches south of St Anne

If you pass through the small fishing village of Sainte Anne...

...the road D9 takes you to the Grande Anse des Salines... of the most popular beaches on the island.

And if you are willing to walk a bit... can have a stretch for yourself.

However, the beach does not go all the way back to Saint Anne... there is a trail parallel to the shore...

...running through the green vegetation...

...and the coastal forest.

But the beach is never too far...

...and from the trail you can get to any beach along the way.

Along the trail you will many crabs...

...and on the beach rocks some kind of trilobite looking creatures.

Here is an example of a rocky beach.

But most beaches along this trail are classical wall-to-wall sand.

You can access them through the classical palm gates...

...or through a grassy knoll.

The further away from the parking lot you get, the less populated the beaches are.

Soon we came to a beach from where we could see Saint Anne... we made the last stop here and then turned back.

On our way back we visited some beaches that we skipped...

...and soon we were at the main beach (which is about half a mile long)

After a short break, we took a short hike in the other direction (away from Saint Anne).
The surf here was stronger and the beaches were covered with sea weeds.

Much of the shore is pretty rocky in this direction.

The main beach is called Les Salines because there is a salt water lake behind it.

The lake is pretty shallow...

...and you can explore it on a boardwalk...

...or cross this little bridge and walk further down the shore.

But we went back to the main beach...

...and spent the rest of the day doing nothing.

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